My Blog

Favorite Artist

Something I really enjoy is listening to music. If I’m cleaning, doing chores, just hanging out or driving around, I’ll always have music on in the background. One of my favorite artists to listen to is Mac Miller.

My friends introduced me to his music back in high school and I’ve been listening to him ever since. A few of his albums/mixtapes I like the most are: Swimming, Faces, Macadelic and Circles.

Something I’ve Created

Here’s a little video I edited together as a project for a video production class I took last semester. The class was an online class, so the footage was shot by professors in the Digital Media Department.

The video is a short interview of Anthony Troung. Anthony is a break dancer and throughout the video he talks about his life before and after he got into dancing as well as getting to a point where he felt like he needed to quit.

Something I’m Interested In

Video/film production is something that I’ve always thought was pretty cool. The idea of being behind the camera as a scene plays out and getting to capture that footage, however long it may be, has always fascinated me.

Photo by Pixabay on
Photo by Stephan Mu00fcller on

Along with that, post-production, mainly editing is another aspect of film and tv that’s interested me and while I’ve only been doing editing a short time, I’ve enjoyed what I’ve learned and have also realized that there is so much more to it than what you can learn in a class.

Photo by cottonbro on
Photo by Bruno Massao on

I’ve also learned that by practicing and trying new and different things when it comes to editing as well as with camera work, just trying whatever you can or whatever comes to mind will help you in terms of finding your own unique style of doing things.

Blogging Up to This Point

Blogging overall was a completely new thing for me and before this class it had hardly ever crossed my mind. I kind of like it a little more now mainly because of its format, which I enjoy way more that essay style writing.

I’ve learned a few things as well like learning how to create and manage a website as well as keeping the site updated regularly. These things have helped with some of organizational and time management outside of class as well which has been pretty helpful.

For now, I’m not really sure if I’ll continue this blog but maybe I’ll change my mind sometime soon.

Classmate Blogs

While taking the time to learn and put together a blog throughout this semester, I’ve also had the chance to look through some of my classmate’s blogs as well. Starting with Nate and his blog DVNATE, I found his blog interesting because similar to myself, he’s into gaming just like I am and, in his post, “What We’ve Created” he also touches on him and his wife’s enjoyment of wings (which is one of my favorites) as well as some other things they enjoy throughout his other posts.

Another blog that caught my interest was Max’s blog Max’s Mind. I found his blog interesting because he talks about festivals, live music and DJ sets being something he finds relaxing and mentions Sky Festival and reading his description of it and all there is there, it sounded really cool to me.

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